Hitting instructor who trained national team center fielder and Golden Glove shortstop makes a new start at Samsung.

 Samsung Lions hitting coach Lee Jin-young (44) shared his feelings about starting anew with a new team.

The Samsung team departed for Okinawa, Japan, where the spring camp was held, via Incheon International Airport on the 30th. The first team squad will complete a training schedule for a total of 38 days until March 7th. Coach Lee Jin-young, who joined Samsung this year, said, "There must be trust between players and coaches. I must trust the players, and conversely, the players must trust me. I believe that only then will feedback be effective and good results can be achieved. “He emphasized trust.

Coach Lee Jin-young has built a brilliant career since his days as a player. Coach Lee Jin-young, who joined the Ssangbangwool Raiders as a first-round pick in 1999, played for the SK Wyverns (now SSG Landers), LG Twins, and KT Wiz. He had a career batting average of 169 home runs, 979 RBIs, 979 runs, and 112 stolen bases. He won the Golden Glove in 2004, helped the team win the gold medal at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, and finished runner-up at the 2009 World Baseball Classic (WBC), earning him the nickname "the people's right fielder."

He also achieved success as a leader. Coach Lee Jin-young, who took his first steps as a batting coach at SK, demonstrated extraordinary batting coaching abilities. He also achieved great results. He improved his hitting ability through customized coaching for each player. As a result, Park Sung-han developed into a Golden Glove shortstop, and Choi Ji-hoon was also able to develop into a national team center fielder.

for more info check this : 토토사이트랭크 


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